Table Foods will be the contemporary answer to cater the question of „what appropriate small dish to pick from the cooling shelf“.
Deeply rooted in the needs and desires of a curious and growing target group Table Foods product range reacts to current trends, lives up todays customer expectations and stands out through highly state-ofthe-art design language
Table Foods product range
reacts to current trends, lives up todays customer
Gekochte Kichererbsen (52%) (Wasser, Kichererbsen), Rapsöl, Süßkartoffelpüree (11%), Wasser, Sesammus (3%), Kürbispüree (3%), Rohrohrzucker, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Orangensaftkonzentrat, Schnittlauch, Speisesalz, Maisstärke, Gewürz, Chili, Paprikaextrakt.
Table Foods products are not only the best looking snacks in the cooling shelf, they are also the most tasty, versatile and conscious ones!
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